now a feature film
(currently in post-production)
“the darkness rolled over her" is now a feature film, currently in post-production for a 2021 release. there is no release date set yet, but when you download the free ebook below, you’ll be entered into our mailing list for updates on the film.
you can also keep up with the film’s progress by subscribing to “sketches from Scripture“, where producer / writer / director paul andrew skidmore is posting early looks and behind-the-scenes video, with special content exclusively for paid subscribers.
it’s an easy way to talk about hard things.
one cup a week for five weeks.
or easily swipe through the discussion guide

download a FREE PDF. you’ll be relieved at how easy it is. and did we mention, free?
why is it free?
look, if you want to buy the paperbacks, by all means, give us your money
but we believe five coffees and a book will really help people develop face-to-face relationships where you feel safe to talk about hard things. we’ve found an easy way to open up about scary, personal stuff, and we want to share it with you. we want to shine a light in the darkness to help you keep movin. let us do that for you. when you and a buddy share one cup of coffee a week for five weeks with our free stuff, you’ll be friends for life.
the ebook is available for free. the discussion guide is free. so if you want to share five coffees and a book, it won’t cost you a dime on our end (where you get your coffee is on you).
but i mean if you wanna buy paperbacks or merch, we’ll be happy to sell them to you. we like to buy coffee, too.
“God, kill me.”
Guin has decided to take her own life, believing it to be the only escape from her lonely depression and debilitating hopelessness. with everything planned, she wants to say goodbye to a few friends, joining them for a weekend fly fishing retreat. when she gets paired up with expert fly fisherman Roy as her mentor, their conversation and time together challenges Guin’s perspectives and complicates her decision . . .
“the darkness rolled over her” is a short story by author and filmmaker paul andrew skidmore. if you struggle with depression and hopelessness, this story was written as a gift to you, something to hold on to. for friends and family of those who suffer, it will help you understand what the person you love is going through.
this ebook is available today at no cost to you. if you find it helpful and encouraging, please share with a friend.

visit our Instagram to learn more about five coffees and a book, see coffee buddies in action, and share with others. the entire discussion guide is available there for your convenience.
have a photo of your own? share it with hashtag #keepmovin and tag us @fivecoffeesandabook on Insta.
you can also visit and share our Facebook page. the entire discussion guide is available there for your convenience. you and your coffee buddies can learn more about five coffees and a book, see other coffee buddies in action, and share with new friends.
have a fun photo of your own? share it with hashtag #keepmovin and tag us @fivecoffeesandabook on Facebook.
take Lucy everywhere to remind you to keep movin, or give her as a gift to remind someone they’re not alone. with shirts, coffee mugs, stickers, cards, and more, there’s plenty of attractive ways to show support for those suffering in darkness.
we’ve also got five coffees merch with more fun things on the way. there’s no reason not to get something!
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